watching CS and HeavyGod kinda looks like a plump Plup
did dexter really love rita?
zAAz after Imperial Fe won 15 rounds in their 0-2 loss to NaVi: "If we get the chance to actually practice against these teams, we will be able to do much more than this."
Season 7 is PAINFUL to watch
Florida boy viciously attacked, killed by dogs
my favorite pic of Dexter, he's so handsome
Slow moving apocalypse?
I want to know what Epic fantasy series you've read and your rating of them
truly innovative kirby gameplay from mew2king
Why do people hate Sigmund Freud
Imperial FE vs Navi..... absolute cinema coming
Biggest Letdowns of 2024?
Second Apocalypse is really good, but I had to DNF
Route 110 by khyleri
What was the biggest reveal you've ever seen in cinema? Movie or TV.
What are some of y'all's favourite animals that get a bad or unfair rap?
Books that feel like this
books that feel like this?
Recs for horror books with mega-structures.
Dead Astronauts
Dark, bleak, and depraved medieval
Literary fiction/horror that evokes this feeling
If Humans Die Out, Octopuses Already Have the Chops to Build the Next Civilization, Scientist Claims
What is this style called?
smoked & doked