Current ring meta?
Minecraft lover
Вежбање дома
What does Romania has to do with all this petahhh?
Optimal bow for f2p
ELI5: How can institutions and banks have so much unrealized loses if they are the "market makers"?
Is this photoshop/ai photo or these flowers are real? If yes whats the name?
Anyone explain what does this skill do?
Dali nekoj se kae sto gi slushal roditelite?
There are hints and tells everywhere but yall dont listen, my god
People that speak these languages, is this true to any extend or just some kind of shitposting?
"Nemate pravo da go potpishete nalogot" mklik NLB banka
In search of a horror/heavy gore Chinese/Japanese or Korena movie i cant find (more in the body text down)
Which pairs do u recommend to trade?
Been holding this gold buy for a year.
First meal.... here's to starting my health journey :(
Italy at its finest
Faction war: The dreams of truly p2w players and nightmare of f2p players
Apparently somewhere in Norway, not sure if its some famous national park/place or if its even a real photo but if yes where?
Иако сме едни од пониските во Европа ипак 18% тоа е мизерија бе луѓе..