How was the Genesis/Megadrive regarded during the second half of the 90s?
Besides Brent, who’s your favourite Office character?
How many agencies did you apply to until you finally got accepted into one?
Which run and gun games would you recommend on the genesis?
What nasty nickname will Trump call Elon when the inevitable fallout occurs?
Im asexual,which means I dont have _________
Don’t. Talk. Shit.
Barry from Eastenders Compoface
Do you not know who Robbie Williams is?
Ecco out of context
Got my first agent who got me 8 commercial auditions total, of which I have had 0 recalls.
How do the Streets of Rage games compare to other 90s beat em ups in your opinion?
What is that one mindset that helps you stop procrastinating?
What's something you believe but can't prove?
I love Marble Zone
Was just wondering... Did any of you lot watch that documentary last night? It was called, gaylords say no.
How do Brits feel about being recognized for having extremely bland food?
Rest in peace Simona.
Do Americans still call it sorcerers stone?
Is Harry Potter as popular with the kids these days as it was for those of us who grew up with it?
What’s happening with the film industry?
Mourning the Character I voiced
I got it! Or at least the main pieces
My legendary set of Adams.
HELP! Sega Mega Drive 2 Original or Fake