Does anyone else name their animals with a certain theme?
What movie has the most depressing ending?
Camping Southeast LA
(Serious) how did that one kid at your school pass away?
Bedrock Textures
Dentleys Collagen Chews
Part help/advice
Tell me what you named your female cattle dog. I'm stumped for a name.
Got sandwiched - is my ‘16 Jetta totaled?
When did yall spay your girls?
Athena hates bath time 😅 (also yes her toenails were long, I cut them RIGHT after)
What feels like an orgasm but isn't an orgasm?
Are these hiccups?
We got our baby a baby
What is your best joke?
Ruby First round of Shots
How long did it take to potty train your puppy/dog?
Young Adult novel - Teen girl hikes the Appalachian Trail
what's the scariest experience you've ever been through?
What a great name for a DTackle 😎💪
What Order Do You Guys Hold Your Tools In?
Spawner Farm vs Skulk Farm
Woke up this morning to no gas or range? Anyone know what's going on? Had 3/4 tank when I got home last night. It has been very cold recently, is that anything to do with it?
My 2017 that I got this year.