Looking to apply for WA police force for a second time. Got rejected the first time. Could anyone please give me insight on how I can maximise my chances?
Sermon at my church on the parable of the talents
Does it actually “rain frogs” during the plagues of Egypt?
The future.
So we all know the Bible says not to judge, but what is the difference between judging and looking at someone’s fruit?
Evangelican Christians and Pot
Purity as a man
Reddit blew up over this...
Can Digital Fellowship Fulfill Hebrews 10:25?
there is a typo in the kjv bible
Water for our feathered friends
water for our wild birds
Looking for recommendations for a family catchup venue
What does it mean when people say “God put it on my heart to…”
Probably a dumb question
Is liking creepypastas a sin?
What is the best family picnic spot in the Perth metro area in October.
What's your favorite Old Testament story?
Any other Christians here with CFS? How do you read and study the bible?
Perth Zoo says farewell to female elephant Permai, who has departed on her trip to South Australia
Reddit is so fucking left wing
Highway to hell is paved with good intentions
New to Christianity