Any tips on how to gain weight
What's an app on your phone that you don't use but you don't want to delete it?
What's something you had to learn the hard way?
What's your line of work?
Have you ever done anything strange for some change?
What's your worst impulsive purchase?
Do women spoil their lovers?
Do ever you hate it when you use a "Big word" and someone asks you "Do you even know what that word means?"
Do you rage when you lose at something?
Do you get mad when someone corrects you?
When's the worst time to get horny?
Does this scene creep you out when the AI is singing?
What's a good profession for people who have dyslexia or ADHD?
What's a good vodka for drinking games?
How Do they test sex doll or flesh lights before shipping them to sex shops?
Do nice guys really finish last?
Can one venomous snake die from another venomous snake's bite?
Who's allowed to drive your car?
Do guys like being gifted flowers?
What does the phrase "the absence of evidence isn't the evidence of absence" mean though?
People who were once skinny due to a fast metabolism how'd you gain weight?
What's something someone did in the bedroom you didn't like?
When someone asks "how big is your 🍆?" do they mean how big does it get when fully erect or when it's soft
Have you ever experienced road rage?