Painting is so horrible it makes me want to quit
Character card critique
In light of the recent developments
How would having all your major achievements/role in life with tattooed onto you with symbols affect a society?
What's your favorite miniature (aesthetically)
Gods of living metal once ruled the stars
Do you Kitbash or No?
We always talk about nightbringer proxy, but what about transcendant c'tan proxy?
So, Warriors are starting to see a little more use?
Why is competitive play the standard now?
First time NMM (wip)
Transcendent C'tan Conversion
How to play a 5+ C'tan list?
Arminger Conversions
My AoP Necron entry
Dooooooooooooooooooooomsday ark
Tobrien from DSA
Map of Aventurien (DSA)
Does it have to he green?
What made you choose your knight house?
Quick question, quick answer - A or B for Kickstarter banner?
Tracking the history of your models on its armor - I love Knights for it.
How do I fill these tiny indentations on a banner? Need advice.
C'tan shard of the Void Dragon
Hello esteemed guests, Trazyn invites you to view his gallery!(images of models and army’s only please)