Experiences of reduction in anxiety and depression after qutting drinking

It's a vicious circle. I drink because I'm anxious and depressed and I'm anxious and depressed because I drink.

I have treatment-resitant depression and have “severe” depression and GAD. I know that alcohol is not fully the culprit as I have done 4+ years teetoal in the past and I was still depressed. Every. Single. Day.

However, I'm older and wiser now and do have some coping stategies that do work (e.g. exercise, mindfulness) when I'm not drinking.

My wife wants me to leave due to my depression, which makes me more anxious and depressed and drink more.

Has anyone experienced a positive change in anxiety and dpression after quttting?

Please don't suggest medication. I have tried many times and my doctor says it's too dangerous for me to take any more as I have had such a terrible reaction to pretty much all classes of antidepressants.

I am reading Alcohol Explained and it is really helping me. I am going to quit once I have finished it (in a couple of days).