Practicing Stoicism through lucid dreaming
Hey all, something I've been pondering about and wanted to share in case it interests anyone.
Lucid dreaming is about being conscious while you are dreaming, thus controlling yourself and your environment (at some extent) of the dream. But it’s not just to have fun at night flying like a superman around your hometown but also one of the most powerful tools for self development.
In waking state you are the master only of your inner world (the mind). In lucid dreams you control both "external" and internal worlds because they together come from the mind.
Such combination gives a perfect playground for visualisation of how to deal with emotions and practice certain virtues or exercises.
For example, in waking state you may be afraid (lack of Courage) to take a certain action, be it talking to someone or to take a stand against an abusive situation. Dreams offer a safe environment where you can practice to approach the situation knowing what the outcome cannot hurt you. Usually, after doing so you wake up blissed with understating that the only thing that limits you is your mind. And if you are the master of your mind in your dreams you may as well be in your real life.
So, such attitude to life slips into the waking state from the dream state.
Or how about the Stoic view from above exercise. To zoom out to see how small and little of importance we are and to relate to the world around us. One can try to visualise it but how about doing it within a dream while fully conscious with vivid visuals and sounds. It’d probably leave a more long lasting deeper impression / teaching on one’s soul.
What do you think? Can anyone relate to it?