do i have it?
i honestly don’t know what to think at this point. i’ve been dealing with this pain since i was a kid. i’m 19 now and it’s a little worse all of a sudden.
here’s how it is for me: - i have kind of a high arch - when i’ve been standing or walking for more than like 15 minutes my heels start to hurt really bad. sometimes my arch will feel uncomfortable but it’s usually just my heels - the pain almost immediately feels better once i stop beating weight on my heels or my foot as a whole - i tried insoles once before but i didn’t really notice a difference
so does this sound like PF? from the little research i’ve done i know that it’s common for the pain to happen after you’ve been off your feet for awhile (like after waking up in the morning) but i don’t have that problem so that just confused me even more