Anyone quitting altnoids?

Hey all, almost 30 now, smoking since 13, longest gone without for that period was probably 6 months when I was in a foreign country and had no connections. Meant to quit for new years resolution but relapsed about 2 months ago and been vaping probably 300-500mg~ combo of things like HHC, THC-B etc every day because cheaper and legal here. This is about 7 days free now minus a slipup where i took a hit to try to sleep. I always get nasty weed withdrawals but I feel like this is the worst I've gotten it before in terms of nausea/vomiting, just constant burning mucus feeling in my stomach for past week and vomiting every day in the morning when i wake up. I already have a pretty weak stomach due to other health issues but this next level sucks. Ive also lost a significant amount of weight this week, 10lbs~ (i know its mostly water weight and will come back). I feel like compared to normal THC this shit is worse. Oddly enough though sleep isn't that bad whereas normally THC withdrawal wrecks my sleep.

Just here to vent because my stomach fucking hurts rn and the tums aint helping. oh also my palms havent stopped being sweaty all week and my fingers are pruned rn typing this