One Day (Netflix TV Show) is Anti-Feminist

Emma, this amazing character, nerdy school girl, dreamer, trying-it-out actress, teacher, and eventually famous authoress is obsessively in love with a rich, entitled, btch boy. This btch boy sticks around the entire show because he’s obsessed with getting her to put out. We watch her struggle to success while simultaneously watching him succeed to struggle. She spends life carefully babying him, letting experiences pass her by, while he, knowing she loves him, fucks anything with a hole. Finally, when she’s painstakingly on top, and he’s pissed away every systemic opportunity given him, he decides he’s ready for commitment. She says yes. She supports his new, handed-to-him career and sloppy life decisions (child with someone he doesn’t care about) while he lives life as a lazy coffee shop owner. Ultimately, she gets depressed because she can’t have his babies (‘sarcastically’ of course, that’s what women live for) then dies from a bicycle/car crash. Her friends, lovers, and family end up comforting the little btch boy. The end. The creators of the show obviously hate women, wanting us to believe Emma valiantly gave her life mommying a btch boy along with a miriad of other grown-ass men. What a disappointment. Women’s lives mean more than this. We aren’t mommies to grown men. Grow up.