Aren’t both sides using the victim/victimizer narrative that Jordan Peterson talks about?
Jordan Peterson talks about how the left is using the victim/victimizer narrative, but wouldn’t it be more truthful to say both sides are using it? I know that people here tend to side with the right more and may not like this post, but please hear me out because I feel truthful discussion is needed especially in times like this. If I’m wrong, tell me and help me understand how I’m wrong.
Trump wants us to believe that we are all the victims of the deep state, and that the only way we can dismantle it is through him. He claims he is the victim of fake news and of lawfare. According to him, he is the most persecuted president in history and he is the victim of a stolen election (although Jordan himself admitted he doesn’t believe it was stolen and he called the claim “whiny”). Isn’t he essentially using this victim/victimizer narrative to essentially give him the moral justification to dismantle everything from the media, to the DOJ, to even how elections are conducted, so that he can rebuild it how he sees fit? According to Jordan’s reasoning that he has stated before, even if we naively and optimistically assume the best of intentions, isn’t making such drastic changes to such a complex system most likely going to end up creating something much worse?
Doesn’t claiming to be the victim of some vaguely defined term such as the “deep state” essentially give him plausible moral justification to his followers to go after essentially anyone who doesn’t go along with his plans? Is this not the same type of victim/victimizer narrative that Jordan talks about?