How to stop being a weak push over
I (m 19) feel weak, mentally as well as physically. I think others sense my insecurity and I often feel used. But when this happens I just have the urge not to do nothing. I'm an easy target, a push over.
I blame part of this problem on my parents, especially my father. I was bullied heavily in school and told my dad about it. He told me to make it as easy as possible for the bullies so it would be over faster. He literally used to say "if he hits you, offer him your face". That was his general life philosophy. No surprise he never made it far in his career.
When I read about mental health a lot of people complain about their fathers who are emotionally unavailable and hard. I know that is bad. Still I always think, at least they taught you to be strong. My dad was no emotional support and all he taught me was to be weak and submissive to everybody else.
I don't want blame everything on him though and I hate myself for being so weak. That makes me feel even more hopeless.
Any advice or experience is welcome.