Am i a hypocrite?

I am an average looking guy or most likely below average and somehow overweight and I hardly dress well or anything.

Long story short i have always been alone and no girl i liked ever liked me back not even once but over the course of my 29yrs of life there is a 3 or 4 girls that liked me and i didnt like them back, i never found them attractive or had any romantic feelings towards them , there is one atm and i ak pretty sure she is in love with me.

I tried so hard to feel something back to like her so i wouldnt be alone but i cant , am i a hypocrite for saying i am FA meanwhile there is someone who wants to be with me ?

But what do i do , i dont enjoy her company and ahe doesn't make me feel less lonely.

I guess i know how all the ones i liked have felt when i used to approach girls