Andromeda vs Cutty I just can't decide
Over 100,000 People Urge Congress to Begin Impeachment Investigation Against President Trump
What country should we move to if we are scared of fascism taking over America and why?
Brand New T.16000M x-axis drifts left
Left Mouse on Hosas?
Thanks. This is crazy. All of the restaurants got hit by ICE
It’s not about bugs. It’s about lack of respect.
Do I have to finish a Hauling contract without logging out?
4.0.1 all of this for that ?
4.0.1 hotfix seems even worse, or is it just me?
Just got the game I'm excited to game
Is AC3200 enough for airlink (Q3)
New player, not even an hour in, and I cant even play.
Cannot find Orison space port
Cozy places to bed log in Stanton?
Alt-N not requesting takeoff
Anyone want to show a noob the ropes? (Eastern Timezone)
Is there a list of the most common game breaking bugs or would a guide be easier to learn what not to do?
Should I switch to 4.0 Live preview vs 3.24?
Update V71 to V72 "No Updates Available" despite being on V71
Orgs based around assisting new players?
Do you feel that Star Citizen can be played casually?
Do I need a new PC?
Is Elite Dangerous still fun without a physical Hotas/Hosas?
To me this is the strangest thing about Grimlord...