I've never applied to a PhD, but I figured this sub would find this website to browse PhD programs useful
[Entry Thread #101] It’s a new year, let’s make it a good one! As for us, we’re back in business making millionaires, and all you have to do is comment to enter!
My animal randomizer built a rhinoceros
SaaS Founders, I will consult you on marketing and growth for free
What SaaS tool(s) do you use every day but never talk about?
Got an offer to relocate to the US. Need advice.
I built a tool that helped me find $6k in client deals from Reddit in 1 month
near, yet far - python + gimp
what do you think about this main menu?
These False Strikes are insane... A Proper system is needed
How much stomach to eat this dude??
Leaderboard is working! So much better that using Google FireBase
Hound + Separation Anxiety
How to allow custom user defined interactions at runtime?
When you think you have the upper hand against coronavirus
Replacing inheritance with composition in generic classes?
What is a good alternative to scriptable objects for storing game data in Unity?
What is a good alternative to scriptable objects for storing lots of game data and setup data?
I built a free chrome extension to channel surf 1000s of creative portfolios with just one click (roverlee.com)
Will an ant die on impact if it was dropped in a vacuum from a height of a 100m or more?
I made a proof of concept TV show using Unity! I'd love it if you could check it out!
I played musical chairs against the Avengers in AR
How do people like this still exist
No man left behind
Booping a tank