Since my last text convo was such a hit, here are some crazier ones from a guy 11 years older than me
What does he mean in “I can’t fcking sing” interlude?
What other artists do you guys reccommend?
Openers and closers of new trilogy ranked?
Apparently Carti is dropping his album this week which means Lose You and possibly more features with The Weeknd, no word from him yet though.
What is Abel on right now lol
Can you distinguish The Real Weeknd Songs from fake ones?
The Diarrhea of Anne Stank
You met TheWeeknd and you get to ask only one question. What would that question be
I hope you cry for me
Would you continue the conversation?
Describe Your Favorite Weeknd Song Using Only a Photo—No Words, Just Vibes
Hurry Up Tomorrow rankings with ratings, updated. I’m sorry yall for before!
XO til we overdose
This one had much more potential
Is this a good time to go for PS5?
Any guesses on a possible setlist?
Well... this took an unexpected turn 😂
Give me your favorite The Weeknd song and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not.
Dawn FM is better than HUT
Best assassins creed game?
Can never have a proper convo with my silly SO
Was told this belonged here. The perfect stick
Hurry Up Tomorrow song rankings with ratings
HUT is a masterpiece.