Mass Effect Trilogy: Best Mission, Worst Mission
What's Your LEAST Favorite Thing About Baldur's Gate 3?
Tried out the Risky Suicide Mission mod for the first time...
Is Witcher 2 worth it?
Can Avernus really be judged as to the things he did? I mean besides him "doing something" that caused the veil to thin at Soldier's peak.
Best to Worst! What's yours?
Does the railroad get too much hate
Which side characters you would've liked as a squad mate?
Anyone else so ridiculously attached to their Warden that you just keep doing playthroughs as the exact same character? 😅
Does anyone only replay the first two games and just can't get the motivation for the third?
Would you guys consider doing "the Joining?".
ME3 worth playing?
Which character are you ? An online test
Weird question. If you wanted to die, would you want to die from Morinth? (You know what I mean)
Mordin Solus a former STG in his prime vs Urdnot Grunt, a krogan tank bred, who would win?"
Who do you screw over in Nukaworld?
Does Geralt change armors and weapons in canon?
What is your biggest complaint about your favourite romance?
Am I the only one who likes more the original design of geralt
Should I join the brotherhood or the institue?
So about Connor Guerrin, what did you guys choose? The first time...
What is your Fallout 4 companion hot take?
Anybody have any advice or suggestions on how to make a lot of caps
What’s done is done.
Before you leave act 1. Make sure you get rid of this guy.