Small thing that annoyed me
Unpopular HT Opinions
Saw this & lmao i have no words
I truly do not understand this level of delusion
Why again so similar
I miss jenna so much
Out of all the inconsistencies and irregularities on the show, which one can you just NOT let go?
Ballinger Family updated intro..
colleen’s miranda character
Full comment thread of Jessica (or is it Chris?) responding to a commenter who was disappointed that they are supporting JoJo (follow-up on swelliot17's previous post)
Jessica commenting on trent (?)
Remember how Colleen wanted her kids to watch her tour so badly so they could see mommy living out her dreams and they could then live out theirs?
She loves her family SO much, but only on her terms…
erik asks colleen if she talks to other guys
Colleen’s manipulation tactics
Looks like Kory is moving on and reviving a career in theater
How many red flags can you count in this reupload of Colleen's divorce announcement vid?
I feel so bad for jojo and I hope she knows that we support her when she realizes.
Erik's Bday/vacation trip
Swoop seemed really harsh
Colleen's relationship with Erik
in my college journalism class today, we had to analyze the entire colleen situation from a journalist perspective 🤣
Colleen cheating on Eric?
J & C have pet chickens :o