Boyfriend’s Studio Apartment
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
When your jeans just give up on you
Can you tell if I’m straight or gay by my fridge?
Our 14.5 week old puppy randomly stopped wanting to sleep with us
Dagger Found In Dads Old Stuff - Please help!
Mitch McConnell's injuries after his recent fall
Maybe Maybe Maybe
I work with lazy dipshits. I asked for a raise and was denied. I am now a lazy dipshit.
Local ad for someone to fix this guy's awful parenting for free (and sorry ladies, he's married!)
Packing for excursions
Diamond Potato
My KitKat didn’t have a wafer
One of my favorite episodes in the whole series
What shall I name my baby based on his scan
I have a black belt in monopoly piece making. Its a very niche market haha. Very very niche, me and one other guy
My brother’s and his husband’s fridge… what can we learn?
Just got her looking for a name?
These TikTok’s make my stomach curl with second hand embarrassment
what does this say about me?
Ohhhhh boy…
books that feel like this
Which A-list actor is willing to pay for the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ title to try and revive his falling stardom?
My entire five pack of Reese’s had no peanut butter in it
What's a sound that always turns you on?