Everyone Knows That is viral on TikTok
had a dream where twitter added an update showing the user's highest spice flavor tolerance
Favorite AM albums and 3 favorite songs of albums?
(DAY 22/100) Suggest an album, most upvoted is what I'll listen to next
if arctic monkeys are in your top 3 favorite bands, who else are your favorites?
Name a place in Britain simply not worth visiting
The premier league is clearly Corrupt agaisnt Liverpool
What song is this?
Give me an album to listen to and I will rank it
Comment your top 3 favorite arctic monkeys songs
What are your predictions on what the next era would be like?
What is the etiquette with using headphones on flights?
What musical album is more of an experience / feeling than just an 'album'?
Guess my age based off of my top music this week
The picture says it all.
What song do you think everyone likes, but is nobody’s favorite.
You’ve been sentenced by a judge to only have 5 Arctic Monkeys songs for the rest of your life.
What the fuck is wrong with these spammers bruh
What country is this? Wrong answers only
Say anything and i will connect it to Morocco
If Alex Turner didn’t do music, what job do you think he would work?
Your Current Battery Percentage = Your First FC24 Career Mode Team ✅
Isak or Watkins? Which would you prefer to have in your team and why?
What blur song would you want played at your funeral?
What Oasis song would you want played at your funeral?