The actual problem starts when the women didn't offer to call him to USA. Instead she came to Pakistan. 😂
Why is deepseek a big deal?
Are these people legit?
Serial Killer Convention
What is this?
How do you get someone banned from reddit?
FGM: It's Not a Big Issue in Pakistan, But Still Needs to Be Talked About
Can Muhammad' mental illness be cured?
I talked to my dad about hijab
Please be careful
The legendary Zamzama Cannon
Mohamed married a six-year-old and had sex with her when she was nine. Is sex with a four-year-old allowed in Islam?
Pakistani people and their concept of marriage
DAE know about this?
How to Clean This Dust Inside My Monitor?
What was your ragging like?
Is anime just not as fun as it used to be? Or am I the problem?
I feel so stupid right now.
Fantastic News: Authorities pass bill with sweeping controls on social media
Why can't desi aunties let a hot girl exist in peace ??
Navigating Marriage as an Ex-Muslim in Pakistan: Seeking Advice"
MEME: God VS Camera
Actual map of Karachi