Vehicle inspection Parking ticket without fine?
PSEG rate Options
Undercover Cops
Huge Ride Quality Upgrade - Upsizing MYP Tires
They done even care anymore
Rear strip light keep or not
What are these things?
Cracked Tesla headlight
First precinct phone busy?
Tesla Cybertruck sales are disastrous
Can totally relate
90min layover at JFK, enough time to Times square and back?
Anyone in Canada buy magnacraft blocks?
What is your “Hell on Earth” (on Long Island)?
What app is everyone using to show their salary?
X-Post from r/portland. “Neighbor down the street found this on her Tesla”
Property taxes - neighbors property
PSEG has basically Leroy Jenkins’d the utility business.
Anyone know why there was a police helicopter circling massapequa and Seaford last night?
Free lifetime supercharging is back for Model S
Before & After
Drone crash reported on police scanner
Does this make any sense
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