HOT TAKE: Smash Ultimate Deluxe would not be a bad idea.
would yondu kill quill?
Tell me your favorite zombies map and I’ll rank you
When did you all start playing COD?
RDJ as doom. My theory on how it will work
Marvel Rivals Forces Bot Matches Upon You!
I'm excited to play Intergalactic, but I'm also equally excited for the documentary
Do you think will see gameplay this year?
Is this really what people wanted?
It’s a sin
New Twitch drops
[MEGATHREAD] Bot Matches Discussion
Idea for super Easter egg reward for black ops 6
Michael Jackson Vs Donald Trump
Why do Trumpers only get D list, washed up celebrity endorsements? Whereas the Dems get every major celebrity endorsement? I don’t think they matter that much by I just can’t understand why Trumpers only get the washed up losers?
What’s everyone’s best to worst cod zombies games? Here’s mine, I’ve heard it’s pretty trash but whatever!
IGN’s Top 100 PlayStation Games of All Time.
Would you like Insomniac to make other Marvel games other than just Spiderman And Wolverine
Deathloop 2?
[COD] what do you think was the best gun in Black Ops 1 and why?
Little Sad about the 3 idiots
[Serious] People have Reddit, how do you feel about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump?
What. Does Joe Biden have dementia or is it just age?
Uptick in pro-Biden sentiment since Thursday?
Favorite map can be any zombies title and I’ll rate it!!