My dad was deported and re-entered the US illegally, is there a possibility he can get his green card if I join the military?
Interview Tips
“buT theRe are nO qUaliFieD apPLiCanTz in AmeRiCuh” so why not train them?
Want to make these stalactite things out of food?
I feel like academics are distrustful of industry, why?
Pivoting from psychology to food product?
How do you feel about conferences?
TikTok CEO's final goodbye, says "thank you to the US users
Do other countries portray Americans as the bad guys in their media like we do to them?
Does school you did your Ph.D. matter in the job market ?
Anyone else just an average PhD?
Why in the United States do you watch outdoor concerts sitting on chairs you bring from home?
How did this happen?
What's up with skin colors?
What is your state known for?
Any advice for a 17 year old thinking about chemical engineering
How hard is the American Education system?
This IBS event got me thinking: What’s up with Primordus?
How not to get a job!
if i want to go to a us university from the uk would it be smart to join the army for 4 years right after 6 form so i could afford the tuition for the army
What is the best country to be a food scientist in?
Sen. Bernie Sanders argues for H-1B reform
Telling even if the graduates from the best colleges cannot find jobs.
How to pass US tourist visa interview with a person with disability