Songs that indirectly birthed a piece of media
Stole this screenshot off @transjewtalian on twitter
This is my hot take, i dont like losercity.
I can’t remember this character’s name, what is it again?
This is a U.S senator everyone. Some of the most powerful people in the world.
Cokely Reject
Incredible things happening on tumblr
Came across this gem today
Which one are you?
A long lost question answered <3
Coaxed into trivializing disorders
What's the best representation of the Devil humans ever created?
Thinking of doing a cosplay, can’t decide who I should do😭
What would you remove from Civilisation 6?
why cant i craft atmo suits?
Songs that say the name of the album but aren’t named after the album
I saw this on Pinterest of all places
coaxed into implications
“Is chocolate considered more of a kids treat in Europe?”
Androgynous Character Designs
Absolute telenovela
Game crashes if a Boop is sent through the Temporal Tear!
Fuck your strategies, just do it