They literally do everything in their power to make us unhappy…
Chat we are really cooked
Can we ban "just bought the game, any tips?" posts already?
Help with removing crosshair
Well, no shit
Phil Spencer confirms Xbox will support Switch 2: ‘I congratulated Nintendo’s president’
Anti-humor or am I dumb?
BMT removed any teaching regarding the Tuskegee Airmen
wow Elon that was SO funny… 🙄
Don’t forgot the dogs too
Which Tolkien names would you actually use for IRL baby names?
Well he did join him later
True reason for the dual USB-C ports (probably)
"Real screen margin" considering the attachment of the joycons
/uj i honestly can’t believe they ACTUALLY called it the nintendo switch 2
An Update from Nintendo
This is Nintendo of America’s first Twitter post with “Nintendo Switch” and “2” in the caption since 4/20 of 2017
NoJ twitter just dropped 3 tweets in 2 minutes. Clearing the slate?
But for real this time
Wait until the full hour belive me
"b-b-b-b-but prep time" SHUT THE FUCK UP
This is actually insane
Retroid Dock still sold out…
This kid somehow uploaded a vid of him just randomly dancing as a 20 second ad on YouTube