If you could save someone from dying in the 86 movie, who would you choose?
A genie appears and lets you have any figure you want. What would you choose?
wreck n doom collection spinister and topspin.
Insert witty title here
Which one you taking?
I didn't think stock photos could get worse
What is your holy Grail transformer that you want to get
Favorite robot?
Pepsi zero is the right of all sentient beings
Favorite character death that got you like
Newbie Q about Hasbro Releases
I’m glad to see bluestreak in new TF media
Name a song you believe describes a character: Starscream
Well, what’s gonna happen next?
Sorry guys, Latin has spoken
Last Stand
For the people that are 15+ on r/teenagers
Optimus Prime
Yall want her?
So what do we think happened to Scourge’s face?
Choose "Carefully"
Why not .... ? 🥺 | Comic by HOU_OWL
Because all jews are responsible for Israel's actions, amirite?
Bloody egg