Nascondo Richard finché non mi nota (1)
What would it be ?
Laser etching over a name
The ultimate counter to any argument
Oh no
Super Smash Bros
What does my stand do?
What’s the greatest single anime arc of all time?
Painting in VR
What anime do you think is overrated?
Who are your top three most irresistible male anime characters?
blursed lucky charm
Who’s your favorite character with green hair?
I'd love this as an actual stand
Man traps an alligator in a creative way using a dustbin
It is better and more effective
What stand do you think she has?
The ultimate karen
maybe maybe maybe
Creative or desperate?
Tell me your favorite cereal
Star platinum if jotaro born in america
El stand de un gringo xd
Thanks, I ironed it
Say anything and ill connect it to SLIM SHADY