[WAT] Question about the conversation between Shallan and Thaidakar at end of WaT
Question about book 2
WaT and Mistborn Era Three
I asked chatgpt to make me an image of kelsier... Do you guys think AI got it right?
[All] The reason why it took so long to notify a certain character about The Lost Metal Events.
Question about the mist
Stormlight Keychains
What is Brandon Sanderson's best novel?
Reckoners opinions?
[WAT][Cosmere] Musings on Shard Sapience
One thing I don't understand
[WaT] Renarin and Rayse/Tanavast
Confused by the Chana Thing [WaT]
Just Finished The Way of Kings
[WAT] Cognitive Realm
[WaT] Scadrial electricity
I am confused
Tress of the emerald sea
[Wind and Truth] My toxic trait is the belief that I could not only control but effectively use the power of the Shard of Honor
Mid bands of mourning, part 3 i guess
WaT chapter summary?
Who else is reading Tor paperback bc. the alternative is too huge? :-D
Windrunner Lashings
Story Deck
I’ve only read (or rather listened) to Wind and Truth once, so correct me if I’m wrong