Almost finished❤️
My PBN suck...
First PBN complete
Looking for nice first PBN selections that dont require mixing the colors. Which brands would you suggest?
How to start?
Ulala Express
Number Artist- Avoid
How do to get the wrinkles out?!?
I hate my stepdaughters mom.
Do y'all really complete one number at a time?
Stage 1. Prepping your canvas. (Draft)
I lost my Mom to Multiple Myeloma
This is the End, Thank You Everyone.
Before and after blending the weenie.
My first custom painting from Canvas by Numbers.Very happy how it turned out. A few little touch ups then sealing spray. Then wrap and ship off to my son.
Cheerful Paint brush opinion
What the hell am I doing wrong? (Complete newbie)
Help or suggestions for this custom PBN
Kids opened their presents without me
Thanks cp
My father has been diagnosed with MM, i need guidance and help. please.
Did I screw myself by ordering from Craftoria?
AITA for refusing to name my baby after my partner’s “family tradition”? (F27, M30)
Yanwen tracking in canada