déjà vu
28M I paint cars.
What does my fridge say about me?
What does this fridge tell you?
What do you sleuths think?
Famous Last Words
I was never concerned until I saw this sub
Feedback on the first drawings for our new kitchen?
After years in a windowless office, this is my workspace
This straight banana.
My co-workers cut a cake
Is the Eames chair too big for this space?
my first ever car at 19, say hello!
Apparently someone doesn’t like golf
The Homonculus Loxodontus
How should I glue this back?
Saw someone post this map on social media trying to say DC has a secret hurricane defense system.
A Twin turbo c8 in a random parking lot 😩😩
My Federal tax return was only 2 bucks
Newbie question
Looking to live alone in Columbus for, relatively cheap
What If Michael Goes To Franklin's House Without Knowing Franklin?
If you could erase a movie or series from your memory to watch it for the first time again, what would it be?
If you could live inside a movie, series or video game, which one would you choose and why?
Should marijuana be completely legal?