If you could redesign any flag, which one would it be and how would you change it?
What is your favorite animal?
What would you do, if you got one additional, functional arm?
What TV series has the most insufferable fan base?
What is the craziest thing that you ever found in your attic ?
What's your favorite toilet paper?
What’s your favourite fact about Canada?
What made you happy today?
What made you happy today ?
Where do babies come from?
What's a trend from your childhood that you wish would come back?
How do you post a video on Reddit?
Which body part do you spend the most time washing when you shower?
What comes to mind when you hear Colorado, USA?
What's your favorite tv series you're watching now?
What’s your favorite adult cartoon?
What’s something illegal that should be legal?
What is your favorite pizza topping?
this is awesome
What’s a weird kink/fetish you’re into?
What is something society glorifies, but you believe is overrated?
If you could’ve chosen your own name, what would’ve you chosen?
what smell gives you most nostalgia?
What happened to all the new jersey drones?
If you could only listen to one song ever again, what would it be?