Bought Xcom 2 - how difficult is this?
Incarcerated men trained in prison as firefighters volunteer to battle the California wildfires
Kite Surfer Goes Into Action After Spotting A Woman Drowning
Fit check
This morning on Wordle. I finally got it in one!
Apparently there's some mild urban legend about me at the local
Hadzabe tribe from Tanzania try Fanta soda for the first time.
Mum and Dad shopping together with all the kids, then telling the kids off for being bored.
A leopard prevents a still struggling fawn from falling from the tree by embedding claws about its face
Bought the "Women fear me, fish love me: because I fuck the fish." shirt and waited months for it to come. There was a misprint and now I own a shirt that only says "BECAUSE I FUCK THE FISH" on the front.
Last week vs this weeks shopping
Attempted rape in an empty gym
A rabid fox attacks a woman
UB to walk out tomorrow
Every country has a ‘local lager’. What is our version of that in the UK?
$25 candle immediately tunneling
A red fox downs Canada goose, a particularly large meal for them
A bag of milk exploded in my grocery bag
Clements time is up for me.
Everyone using kettles of boiling water to de-ice their car, only for the pavement in sheet ice from the frozen run-off
Don't treat a road as a racetrack
Beat it... what a great game!
Found in a local corner store - I thought these no longer existed?
Sorry big guy
Mom zebra defend her babe from cheetah