Looking for songs about addiction, or just generally being low in life, can be any genre but this is what I listen to
My $25 Adoption Special❤️
Best music festivals for emotional EDM?
Can someone explain to me what Anyma is actually doing on stage or is it all pre-recorded?
Planning this roadtrip out west for late March. Is this a scenic enough route? Will there be any weather problems?
Pgh to Vegas
[Probably Multiplatform][2020's] An in-development dark indie RPG game with a spider character on a keyboard
14 and had my first monster
Roadtrip planning advice
Planning for a 9 day trip in mid February
ok, whats mine say about me
Best Midwest state to visit for a 4-day trip?
Places I have been after covid
Your roadtrip is doable
Coors factory in Colorado
Is this really like this? I'm stunned to see ppl posting such statuses, What you guys think?
21yo male, There's a giant fucking hole in my brain
Find the embroidery needle
AIO my friend (m22) is dating a high schooler (f17)
Anyone ever experience this while snorting?
What’s your favourite song with “end” in the title or is about the end of something?
Lost a screw. Can you find it?
What's this cookie cutter?
Getting people 30+ to be your friend is like pulling teeth if you didn’t grow up here.
Places i would live as a Brazilian