Deepseek’s response to ‘Is taiwan an independent country?’
I have a Finnish friend who is on the verge of giving up. I’m looking for support recommendations. (Helsinki)
Tanska vahvistaa puolustusta Grönlannissa
MVP is all clenched up over Jerm’s first team win
DGPT Payout Dashboard (Interactive Link in comments)
Unions for workers and their work
Perussuomalaisten vaaliohjelmassa vaaditaan ”pervoilua” pois kouluista [sekoilu seis”]
No more linking to
KD saanee vaalivoiton eduskuntavaaleissa 2027
Who to contact about a potential sexual assault by another child at School
All this rhetoric about wanting to entice ‘educated professionals’ to Finland is bullshit.
Onko epäasiallinen käytös lisääntynyt leffateattereissa viime vuosina?
Study: Jobseekers with foreign names receive fewer employment opportunities
Ricky hot tub 💦
I found the journals of Johanna Tukiainen at a flea market in Stockholm. How do I contact her?
Nation leaders raise alarm over reports of Indigenous people being questioned and detained during immigration sweeps
Looking for an understable midrange or fairway for a minimal bag.
Finland needs 31,000 more practical nurses by 2040
Ollaanko me taas liittouduttu natsien kanssa?
Don't come to Finland for work
National Service
Miten fasismi toimii
Ilmari Käihkön kolumni: Toive suojeluskuntien palauttamisesta on vaarallinen unelma
Kolme tunnettua suomalaista: ”Trumpin aikana maailma menee parempaan suuntaan” | Ulkomaat
Advice for friend in Finlanc