Needed to share this sunset pic on york road
Advice on buying Lotus Elise
What's your unpopular UK opinion? My one is the weather is brilliant.
Park Row, Leeds by John Atkinson Grimshaw 1882
Advice on Lotus Elise
Former SAS soldier hired as one of Donald Trumps bodyguards
What is best big city in UK excluding London and Edinburgh?
What are you unashamedly a snob about?
Requesting SAS photos with CAR15 usage prior to 2000
As a country what are we still the absolute best at, no questions asked?
Brits who left the uk to live abroad, was it worth it? How did it go?
The Old Red Bus Station closing on 18th January 😢
Our Sulley is 3 today. Couldn’t have hoped for a better dog.
Do you feel safe enough to leave your car running to defrost while you nip back inside?
What is something your teenage self would be surprised that you like?
Bird watching this morning
Leeds 2010's
Brewdog prick
I don’t like my uni city (Nottingham), but I like the uni. Thinking of moving to Uni of Leeds as its a more bustling city. Thoughts?
75th Ranger Regiment awaiting the CH-47 for EXFIL after an intense night of combat. Afghanistan 2009 [1800×1589]
What timeline are we living in? Why does literally anybody suddenly believe they can do ANY job at all? Imagine this man believing he has the ability to manage the budget/affairs of a major global city like London...
Have you changed industries completely (career wise) and was it the right decision?
What are the most honking dits you’ve heard or experienced?
What one city in the world surprised you with how much you enjoyed your time there?
Hi, I need some advice from people who are in or were in on what job I should choose between Vehicle Mechanic or Aircraft Technician.