Looking at moving to Norway from USA - What am I missing?
Nederlendere i Norge?
Why not create a path in the Darian gap?
"Norway is barely(/barley) a country"
What's a small but meaningful Norwegian tradition you follow?
Tailing on the overrated thread. What's the most underrated landmark in the world?
Kommer det til å bli kjempedyrt? Ja eller nei?
Motstanderne av kjernekraft (fornybarlobbyen) får det vanskeligere og vanskeligere med å påstå at kjernekraft blir dyrt! Dette er kommunikasjonssjef Sunniva Rose i Norsk Kjernekraft AS som sier de ikke vil ha subsidier fra den norske stat for å bygge kjernekraft i Norge.
Wtf is happening in Britain?
And the US would demolish all of those NATO armies
Well they don't get to vote on the matter, so who cares
How Do You Kill Trolls?
Lets post the most overrated landmark in Western Europe
This is a disaster for millions of people.
How "full" were the oceans before commercial farming became mainstream?
Deep Prot for Tanking endgame dungeons
Top favorite new quests or hubs?
What's your country's equivalent of the old man with a hat on a Panda going at 30 km/h?
Scandis are spiritual communists
Vet dere hva som er en skam som norsk arbeidstaker
Loch Ness holds more water than all lakes, rivers, and reservoirs in England & Wales combined.
shadowforged eye recipe
A Sami American who didn’t know what Sami was
What country/countries do you think have the most unique terrain?