So I played Hearthstone
So it's okay to summon UAPs in front of billionaires but for us peasants you need clearance due to security reasons?
What's your hot PZ take?
The Ontological shock in this whole subreddit is real, and you should treat it seriously. You are currently in a Phase of denying
How would you genuinely react if a grey alien appeared inside your house?
Clinically insane stalker threatens “school shooter vibes.” The boat is not for him.
My game just got a whole lot quieter…
Most tolerant, open-minded space on Reddit
How do the English view New England
The middle ground sub is gone. Freemagic is the only sub worth using anymore. Sad!
Why do some people assume GTA 6 is going to have a light hearted story?
It's a particularly bleak Saturday, but I've got front seats for it on top of a double decker bus!
Are immigrants really doing work that no other Americans want to do? Or are immigrants doing work that no other Americans want to do…for low pay?
Asylum seekers loitering outside school is ‘cultural’ issue, say police. Residents of Deanshanger in Northamptonshire have raised concerns about behaviour of migrants living in a hotel near primary school
Tourists who are looking for an authentic local experience are much more annoying than those who just want to stay at a resort.
Humans will never get off earth and populate other planets
I’m embarrassed to be an American.
I’m genuinely scared …
AIO Girl I’m dating sent me all these messages because I said no to any politics in my discord server for my twitch channel
What do YOU do when you've been bit?
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
If you have visitors, when do/don't you offer them a drink?
Asking customers for 100% tip is diabolical
This was just dropped in the interdimensionalNHI sub. Some if the best captured footage I’ve witnessed
Still don't know how so many people convinced themselves otherwise