Stupid app.
How does one get up to workout at 5 am?
Has anyone gotten back together after no contact?
What’s the highest paying state for Amazon warehouses?
Does Leave of Absence hinder transferring or getting a job interview?
Amazon Prime
Amazon Hiring Ca
Do Amazon Area managers have nice vehicles???
Do you wash your hands before showering?
Thoughts on my current physique?
Can you get labor shared into department you’re not trained into?
Picking up extra shifts
How do people work 5 days a week without burning out?
Why do people take some of these meds recreationally?
Where Are My Loyal People At?
I've never chatted with another person who has epilepsy
Singles Pack or Stow
Men: how would you approach a woman at the gym?
7 years seizure free today
What are your experiences as “staying friends” with your ex’s ?
Is there a benefit to working harder or smarter?
Took Amazon For Granted