Anyone else feel like adulting is extremely exhausting lately?
College at 36, am I too old?
Please don't leave people alone with your horse
Is Canada even worth it anymore?
My friend said she wasn’t paying her part of rent. So I told her I wasn’t moving together. Did I make the right choice?
Brand ghosting me after I tried to get a refund :(
Wasted my 20s in rural area. There's nothing for me. Not sure what to do.
Why are wages just so low now?
[acne] what’s causing this?
First BPAL experience as a complete fragrance noob
Fantome Window
How do I overcome the eternal guilt and regrets that have been haunting me for the last 11 years?
Anyone else just not sure what life or career path they would like to pursue? What to do?
On semester 3/4 and it’s time for psych rotations. How was your experience?
Failed in life, now I’m confused
Considering choosing to be unemployed for the rest of my life
I need to turn my life completely around
Sunday Swaps: Destash Listings
Sunday Swap: Product Requests
Are their entry level jobs paying 60k for someone who has gone down numerous dead end careers?
Nurses are some of the worst people I've encountered
You don’t have to stay on your unit if you don’t want to
What’s a common misconception you see about nursing school?
35M dating a 30F asking for money
25 and want to give up