as a transgender leftist, i agree with zizek on gender and woke culture
take the questions "what is a woman?", "is a transgender man a man" e.t.c.
on the far right you have generally an agreement opposing self-identification,
on the far left you have generally an agreement in favour of self-identification.
but we are talking about social phenomena.
i reject the notion of a correct answer, if woman is a concept that is socially determined, can a transgender woman not be a woman if within their social environment everyone affirms that they are a woman?, and simultaneously can a transgender woman be a woman, if everyone in their environment rejects this thesis?, how can there be a 'true' definition and order for concepts as vast and indefinite as this, this is not set theory.
gender is alot like the notion of colour, a subjective and diffracting human concept that we like to view through a hologram of objectivity.
some may assign a definite range of light frequencies and intensities and denote this to be the colour blue for instance, and try to assert that this is the objective framework, which yes for scientific analysis can be useful, but if we are talking about the everyday use of the word blue, this is completely incongruent. different languages draw the arbitrary boundaries between colour in different places, how can there be a global worldwide definition for blue.
how can there be a global worldwide definition for woman and man, and non-binary etc.
i very much see what zizek means when he states that "woke culture" is staggering critical thinking, for the woke leftist: when faced with issues concerning the marginalised and disaffected, critical thinking must take a backseat to optics, to civility, and to dogma.
the term "trans ideology" is unusable because the far right uses this term in a stupid manner and such. we cannot look at something like mass immigration and identify problems because the right is xenophobic. if a certain idea on some form of marginalisation is generally posited by the same marginalised group, this cannot be critiqued because they know their own reality, (very often people do not know their own reality).
and all of this is of course worsened by the isolatory bubbles of social media and the phantasm of AI interaction.
i do very much fear for our society.