pt 17 of transmission by Huangbo (a joy division cover)
- Ordinary people all indulge in conceptual thought based on environmental phenomena, hence they feel desire.
See environmental phenomena (sense experience) > engage in conceptual thought > then feel desire.
HB would have us stop step two. We don't stop sense experience (hence talk against quietism and pushing out sensation), we stop forming concepts about it.
To eliminate environmental phenomena, just put an end to your conceptual thinking. When this ceases, environmental phenomena are void; and when these are I void, thought ceases. But if you try to eliminate environment without first putting a stop to conceptual thought, you will not succeed, but increase its power to disturb you.
Concepts eliminate environmental phenomenon? I wonder what other ways this could have been translated. Is this really what was meant? Stop thinking about things, and then things go away? Or is it, rather, they are seen as void, empty?
Don't try to eliminate environment (I'm understanding this as sensation), or else sensation becomes more powerful.
Trying to eliminate environment would be futile, result in opinions of good and evil, which is all something to be avoided.
And this maybe answers some of the other open questions. Commonly in this framework, thoughts themselves are seen as sensation or sense doors. So thoughts themselves would not be a problem, what should be avoided would be thoughts, opinions and concepts ABOUT thoughts themselves, just like thoughts, opinions and concepts about touch, taste, etc.
Thus ail things are naught but Mind- intangible Mind; so what can you hope to attain? Those who are students of Prajfia1 hold that there is nothing tangible whatever, so they cease thinking of the Three Vehicles. 2
It is intangible. Trying to change it, trying to make it tangible is a mistake.
There is only the one reality, neither to be realized nor attained. To say 'I am able to realize something' or 'I am able to attain something' is to place yourself among the arrogant.
A great criteria to tell if you're talking to a bullshit artist. Someone who thinks they have progressed, or attained something is not enlightened in the way Huangbo advocates.
The men who flapped their garments and left the meeting as mentioned in the Lotus Sutra were just such people.3 Therefore the Buddha said: 'I truly obtained nothing from EnIightenment.' There is just a my tacit understanding and no more
It's just an understanding or a knowing. But not a conceptual one. Nothing special. No magic powers are gained.
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