Thoughts on Gamers Nexus calling out Linus by including a clip but not complete context?

The only thing I didn't like in the video is him calling out Linus by including a very small snippet of the WAN show but not including the context of the quote.

Linus said they didn't know Honey was scamming customers too. He thought only affiliate links were affected. So ot would not look good to ask his subscribers to uninstall an extension that was giving his subscribers discounts just because it was hurting his revenue.

I completely agree with this. He would have been crucified.

GN including the quote without this context felt disingenuous and childish.

I wouldn't have mind if he called out Linus for not joining the Class action law suit. But this was just plain wrong.

Steve said he is releasing the video now even if it causes backlash from viewers.

What backlash? Everyone knows it's a scam. Releasing it now has no risk.