How Do You Handle Stress Before Exams?
Hello Buddies,
Exams always seem to come around faster than we hope, and the stress? It’s no joke. Whether it’s pulling all-nighters, summoning Herculean levels of focus, or juggling last-minute revisions, we all have our own ways of coping.
I wanted to start a discussion about stress management techniques that actually work. Here are a few methods that have helped me (and my friends):
Divide and Conquer: Break your study sessions into smaller, focused chunks with clear goals. You’d be amazed at how much mental clarity this brings.
Meditation or Breathwork: A 5-minute breathing exercise can work wonders when your brain feels like mush. Apps like Headspace or even good old YouTube tutorials can help you wind down and reduce anxiety.
Get Quality Notes: Sometimes it’s not about how much you study, but what you study. I’ve found tools like Edubirdie helpful for accessing detailed lecture notes or well-organized study resources. This helps prevent information overload.
Exercise It Out: Even a quick walk or 10 jumping jacks can give you a boost and keep those spiralling thoughts at bay.
What about you? Do you stick to a strict schedule, snack your way through the stress, or have a solid routine that keeps you calm? If you’re open to sharing what’s worked (or hasn’t), I’m all ears. Who knows, your tip might save someone else this exam season!
Looking forward to hearing your go-to strategies! 💬