About today’s Uncanny X-men issue:
Tired discussion, I know. But this is an interesting point. I still believe hired writers should do the homework about the characters they’re going to work on, tho. In fact, I think editorial should force them to read it. It’s an interconnected universe. You have to put in the work.
With that being said, I also believe this is the book for the people who solely watched 97’. I have no doubts of that.
By @raul_rmy on twitter.
Tired discussion, I know. But this is an interesting point. I still believe hired writers should do the homework about the characters they’re going to work on, tho. In fact, I think editorial should force them to read it. It’s an interconnected universe. You have to put in the work.
With that being said, I also believe this is the book for the people who solely watched 97’. I have no doubts of that.
By @raul_rmy on twitter.