Committing to Wrestle D3. What should I know

Im in my 4th and final year of high school wrestling. Im currently at 144 in a deep wrestling state and in my best season yet. I knew without a doubt I wanted to continue wrestling and so I’m taking my D3 opportunities.

I have goals for the jump to collegiate wrestling. I want to go up in weight, not down, which is gonna require me to bulk up quite a bit. I also understand that I need to transcend some levels this off-season and become more disciplined. Discipline is something I’ve struggled with my whole high school career, eating and sleeping well, making weight, being academically responsible, taking care of strength training. Fortunately I’ve covered both my weight and academic issues in the last year or so, however the other things are still consistent issues for me.

Other than what I’ve mentioned, what do you guys, active or former collegiate wrestlers have to advise me about making the commitment, from your own personal experience, that I will really need to know? Thanks