6 match shuffle thoughts

There’s so much up for debate on how to improve PvP, but to me a huge deterrence is the queue times for dps. Seems like the consensus is that long queue times are caused by a healer shortage. Personally I main healers mostly because I enjoy the play style, but also because I enjoy the fast queue times. The problem I’ve been having is that it’s extremely easy to get burnt out playing SS as a healer. A lot of games you feel completely out of control; common scenarios are 1 dps goes 6-0 or 1 dps goes 0-6. Both of these result in 3-3 for the healers and is just an overall poor experience. Not to mention the feeling of going 0-6. Is much rather queue into a lobby and do 1 game and done. after lots of matches the match making rng should average out the potentially port matchups you might have. Not to mention queue times would much shorter because healers will be in and out of games in 3 mins and back to the top of the queue. Thoughts?