What's your go-to instant win button.

Seems like it's a simple question, but just to clarify, what is your favorite way to just say this character wins because of blank. For me it's narrative awareness. A character, which is not only aware that they are part of a piece of media, but that the opposition they are facing quite literally cannot interfere with anything they choose to do because The restraints of the narrativ/ medium prevent them from doing so.

Oh no, you can't kill me. Not because you physically couldn't but because This is a video game and I quite literally cannot be killed without the game crashing.

You can't stop my plans, not because they're better than yours but because they don't exist. I don't have plans This is a short story. It's going to end on a cliffhanger And the author probably won't write a follow-up because they hate their audience.

Does anybody have anything like this?